Sunday 23 March 2008

10.00 St James

ALLELUIA at St James ... by this time its 10.00 AM and you can see the bright sun shining into the sanctuary. We don't use this altar, but do use the altar rail. The banners are for the Mothers' Union. There's a paper on the floor with some memorial names - not sure who or why. This is the oldest church in the team - roots back to Elizabeth I's time (obviously not this building, which is "listed") and the "mother" to the other Anglican churches in the team.

I preached from the Eagle pulpit (probably a lecturn), not the pulpit at the top of the steps (with the hanging fall) as no one goes up there. A copy to follow. Again, it's SO bright because the sun had come out and was reflecting on the snow. You can't see some of the work that needs to be done on the church (ie chipping paint, falling kneelers, etc) and it doesn't matter anyway on Easter, does it?

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