Sunday 23 March 2008

11:00 Emmanuel

I arrived at Emmanuel with their liturgy in progress led by the lay reader. Then we said the Peace together and I proceeded with the Eucharistic prayer.
This is their church - and they love it because it was built within their memory! It's obviously newer, with some of the reredos and altar "saved" from one of the two old churches which were destroyed before this was built. There is some natural light from a huge skylight and yes those are exposed flourescents! The altar is "open" with an Easter Garden (a tradition here - altho not always IN the altar).

These below are of the Easter Garden - so lovingly created each year... The 3 crosses on Calvary, on one side then the open tomb (look at the little cloth "left behind") on the other. Last year because I was the only minister, I had to be in charge of opening the tomb (moving that round rock) on Easter morning !
That was an ALLELUIA as well!!

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